Hotel is a part of tourism industry having an important role in satisfying tourists. The guests’ satisfaction is important to build a good image of hotel. Therefore, it needs cooperation between the hotel staffs in each department. As one of the departments in hotel, Front Office Department has a big responsibility in giving good impression in the first service. Receptionist is a part of Front Office Department having duties to handle the guests’ needs well by giving an excellent service.
The objective of this final project is to describe how the reception section in Sahid Kusuma Raya Hotel handles the guests. The services given by the receptionist are the reflection of the hotel’s image. It means that, a receptionist must be able to handle the guest professionally. The hospitality and good etiquette from the receptionists are useful to give good impression to the guests. Therefore, the reception section has important responsibility to improve the hotel’s image by giving an excellent service in every service.
Based on the discussion of the data, it can be concluded that the Reception section has an important role in building a good image of the hotel by giving excellent service to the guests. With these result, it is hoped that hotel can improve the quality of service especially for Reception section in order to give satisfaction to the guests.
A. Background
Hotel is one of the accommodations that plays an important role in giving satisfaction to guests. Satisfaction is the main goal in hotel industry. Because of it the guests want to stay longer or go back again later to the hotel. To actualize it, a hotel must prepare the entry products that will be sold to the guests well. Excellent service is the most important key in handling the guests. Hospitality is the basic duty of hotel’s staff to give good impression to the guests. Besides, a hotel must be able to present its different characteristics in order to attract the guests’ interest. As one of the hotels in Solo, Sahid Kusuma Raya Hotel has different characteristic in serving the guests by providing traditional treatment in its every service.
For culture lovers, this historical hotel has many to offer. The Javanese architecture building beautified with antique furnitures makes this four-star hotel different from the other hotels in Solo. The natural environment with exotic blossoms and shady trees extends the fresh atmosphere. The hospitality and Javanese etiquette of the hotel’s staff make every service ordered by the guest special. As a unique hotel, Sahid Kusuma Raya has power to make the guests comfortable during their stay, righteously the king in his palace. The role of each department in a hotel is important to make the guests comfortable. Basically, Sahid Kusuma Raya Hotel can be divided into the following departments; they are Front Office Department, Human Resource Department, Food & Beverage Department, Marketing Department, Engineering Department, Accounting Department and Housekeeping Department.
One of the hotel departments that is truly the nerve centre of the hotel’s operation is Front Office Department. In fact, the only direct contact most guests have with hotel employees is with members of Front Office staff. The functions of Front Office Department are to greet and receive the guests who come to the hotel then serve them immediately. As the first department met by the guest, Front Office Department does not only have big responsibility in handling the guest’s necessity from checking-in until checking-out but also handling the guest’s requests and complaints. Giving a good service is the obligation of front office staff to make the guests back again to the hotel. It needs a strategy and cooperation between the front office sections such as, Reception, Front Office Cashier, Telephone Operator, Reservation, Guest Relation Officer and Bellboy. Each section has its own responsibilities.
Reception section as the main sub-department of front office has responsibilities to receive the guests, serve the guests and receive their complaint. Receptionist is the first staff who welcomes the guests at the hotel. It is important to make familiarity between the staff and the guests by having good communication in order to create good hotel atmosphere. Therefore, the first image of guests to the hotel comes from the receptionist’s service, so that the reception section has essential role in developing a strong image and deep impression of the guests during their stay. Because of that reason, the writer is interested in discussing the reception section in handling the guests by doing an observation at the Front Office Department of Sahid Kusuma Raya Hotel Solo. The writer has done the job training in the Front office for two months, from 1 February to 31 March 2008 to get necessary information. The writer chose the Front Office Department. Therefore, the writer wants to describe the reception section in Sahid Kusuma Raya Hotel in this final project.
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